Samstag, 27. Juli 2024






Hollabrunn 2005 - 5. - 7. August (1 MB)

Hollabrunn 1805

The armies of France and the allied rulers of Austria and Russia face one another. The mission is clear – the French must be stopped, at all costs. That is the only way to clear the Austrians’ route to the North. The fighting is bitter – no mercy, no pity. However, heroic commitment makes the impossible possible – the French are held.

Hollabrunn 2005

The fight begins all over again, and 200 year-old history is brought to life. Now it is passionate re-enactors who throw themselves into the conflict, trying to recreate this memorable event in Austrian history as authentically as possible for the general public. No detail is missed, everything is historically accurate.

5 – 7 August – the battle

On this weekend, Hollabrunn will become the location for a large-scale re-enactment of the battle. Here’s a brief timetable of events:

Friday, 5.8.:   up to 17.30 – re-enactors assemble and set up camp, followed by a skirmish in Hollabrunn town
Saturday, 6.8.:   morning – exercises, lunch, from 14.00 to 15.00 – battle re-enactment, followed by open camp with crafts, music, sutlers, etc.
Sunday, 7.8.:   from 9.00 open-air mass with wreath-laying at the Hollabrunn Obelisk, followed by open camp. Battle display after lunch. Event ends at around 16.00.

Be there!

We are looking for battle-ready re-enactors! You only need to bring your uniform and equipment, tents, cooking utensils and powder. We will organise the rest: area for the camp and battle, food (meat and vegetables for you to cook yourself), water/beer, firewood, straw for sleeping bags and travel expenses.


Please register now by writing to:

Werbung&Co Werbe- und Veranstaltungsagentur GmbH
z. Hd. Hrn. Wolfgang Horak
Am Mühlgraben 213
2392 Grub im Wienerwald

Tel.: +2258 30232 21, Fax +2258 30232 11


Panoramic view of the 40.000 m2 area for the camp and battle-re-enactment

Fotos mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Robert Bouchal (